Thursday, July 29, 2010

Choose Life

I like black and white.

I want Snape to be evil. I need Luke to be good. I'm always the hero protagonist while fighting the flood. I like that trainspotting has one alternative.

I live in grey.
There's always a 2 for 1 discount. You will take less if I pay you cash. When you tell me this is the way it is don't expect me to believe you. I will question everything that i'm told, and I will find something better.

Have you ever pretended your life was a video game. Only there was no save button? Don't BS me, don't tell me you're risk adverse. You have 1 thing to lose, just 1.

You live in black and white.

You listen when they tell you their computer can't do it like you want it. You give in when they screw up and don't want to admit it because it's too difficult. When they tell you to do it this way at work you rationalize why. You stop thinking because nothing makes sense. Choose LIFE.

Who Wins?

You read the paper, I gave them something to write. You pay your mortgage down in 15 years instead of 20. I have the time of my life every week for 20 years. No one will ever say that you made a bad choice. Everyone will say I've taken chances. You'll count your pennies, I'll count my memories.

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