A 2 hour Deep Dive into CPP lead to some surprising facts:
- Canadians contribute 9.9% of their salary into CPP up to $45k in salary!!! (If you work for a company they pay half)
- The average benefit is just a little over $500 per month.
- When you 'donate' your contribution part of that money is going to pay for current retirees (Around 9% and rising)
- The best news is that according to an actuarial report CPP is funded for everyone forever and ever and ever.... Of course the contribution rate used to be 3.6%, I wonder what the actuaries were saying then...
I'm happy to read that the problems there having in America with an underfunded pay as you go system. I don't like to read that I'm paying for everyone retiring now. However that seems to be the way of the world. CPP's will be growing its asset base over time from 3.9% assests/yearly expenditure ratio in 2010 to 5.2% in 2050. So they want more money, 'just in case'?
It's just most upsetting to read about how defined pension's are dissappearing in the private sector because todays seniors syphon off too much money, oh and they're still taking from us kids because they didn't pay enough while they were working.
So the amount of money I really have to spend is.
104.95% my income including the 4.95% my employer has to pay to cpp. Yep they know.
- 9.9% for CPP contribution
- 1.73% for Employment Insurance contribution
- 15.54% for Federal Tax if I made around the Canadian average of $45k per year
- 5.08% for Ontario Tax if I made around the Canadian average of $45k per year
- 5% GST
- 7% PST
= 60.70% or if I made $45k I'm left with $27,315 per year. YIKES
Some info: